Rehberg Honored With Golden Spike Award

WASHINGTON — The National Association of Railroad Passengers is honoring U.S. Representative Denny Rehberg, R-Mont., with the George Falcon Golden Spike Award.

The award honors individuals for their contributions to the advancement of passenger rail.

Rehberg was honored for his sustained leadership in funding intercity passenger rail. He chairs the Congressional Rail Caucus and was instrumental in securing funding for Amtrak in the last appropriations bill, fighting off amendments that would have crippled the railroad, or eliminated long distance trains.

“Even in his earliest days as a freshman member of Congress, Representative Rehberg spoke out clearly and forcefully against efforts to bankrupt and shut down Amtrak, steadfastly supporting both Montana’s Empire Builder and the entire national network,” NARP Executive Director Ross Capon said . “Every railroad passenger in Montana – and in America – each day reaps the benefits of Congressman Rehberg’s hard work.”

The George Falcon Golden Spike Award honors public officials for their support for a fully developed rail network and leadership in promoting rail development. The award is named for George Falcon, a Los Angeles area publisher and early member of NARP, who created the award.

“Rail service is vital to Montana, where rural communities need affordable transportation and where many people have no access to airports or bus service,” Rehberg said . “However, this service is often overlooked. It’s important our western voice is heard on rail-related issues. As Montana’s lone Congressman, I’m proud to lead the charge in ensuring the needs of Montana’s, and our nation’s, rail lines are met. I look forward to continuing to work with NARP to ensure financial stability for America’s rail system.”

— Special to News Wire

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