PHILADELPHIA — A recent national study of 20 cities with the highest mass transit ridership totals reported that although overall fuel prices have shown a marginal decline, commuters can save even more riding SEPTA, the agency said.
In a comprehensive study titled, “Transit Savings Report,” the American Public Transportation Authority (APTA) outlined monthly and annual savings per household. The study was based on a household expenditure of $800 per month on fuel and factored in the average price ($3.67) for a gallon of gasoline.
Although the median savings nationwide was just over $9,500 the report concluded SEPTA riders can save up to $11,000 annually on fuel and more than $900 monthly. In addition, the study also cited data from the Food Institute stating that the average individual spends close to $6,000 annually on food. Again, a commuter can by comparison save nearly double that amount by simply traveling SEPTA.
Also listed in the study is a report concluding that the national average of unreserved parking in a city’s downtown business district averages $143 monthly and totals more $1,700 per year. Most Regional Rail stations and several light rail and subway stations offer parking facilities for SEPTA commuters. The fee is only $1 on weekdays for most stations. Parking at Fern Rock and 69th Street Terminal is $2, SEPTA said.
“During these difficult economic conditions, it is especially gratifying to know that SEPTA presents such a positive money-saving resource for individuals and our communities,” said SEPTA General Manager Joseph Casey. “SEPTA service has for years helped to drive the economies of Philadelphia and the surrounding areas we serve.
Our recent service expansion initiatives address the core concerns of our current and future riders. Not only are they able to travel conveniently and comfortably, but they can do so cost-effectively.”
— PRNewswire-USNewswire