WASHINGTON — National Transportation Safety Board Member Steven R. Chealander has announced his resignation from the Board, effective Feb. 28.
Chealander has been a Board Member since Jan. 3, 2007. During his tenure at the Board he was the Board Member on scene for three major transportation accident investigations – a mid-air collision between two news helicopters in Phoenix, Arizona in 2007, the crash of a corporate aircraft in Owatonna, Minnesota in 2008, and last week’s crash of a turboprop airliner near Buffalo, New York.
Chealander testified before the Texas State Senate in April 2007 on sobriety checkpoints, and before the Tennessee House of Representatives in October of that year on drunk driving laws. In April 2008, he testified before a subcommittee of the United States Senate Commerce Committee on the NTSB’s most wanted aviation safety issues.
Before coming to the Board, Member Chealander was a fighter jet pilot for the United States Air Force, at which time he was a member of the famed U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds, and was a captain for American Airlines.
In his letter to President Barack Obama Chealander said, “I wish you and your administration well as you lead America through the challenges facing this great Nation of ours … It has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my professional life to work with the professional career employees of the NTSB, not to mention the four other dedicated Presidential appointees that constitute the Board.”
Chealander has accepted a position in Miami with Airbus Americas as Vice President, Technical Training.