OAKLAND – Amtrak announced the appointment of Patrick Merrill to the position of Assistant Vice President, Policy and Development – West.
He will oversee all business development with Amtrak’s partners and stakeholders in this region and support corporate policy and strategic planning efforts.
Merrill brings more than 30 years of experience managing the California Department of Transportation’s (Caltrans) intercity passenger rail program, including capital project development, program management, marketing, safety, contract negotiations, and multi-agency coordination for strategic planning.
Additionally, Merrill led Caltrans’ recent effort to prepare grant applications for federal funds for intercity and high speed passenger rail capital assistance, coordinating with the California High Speed Rail Authority and various commuter railroads within the state on the development of potential projects to improve the existing state-supported intercity passenger rail corridors.
Merrill will be responsible for the states of California, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, Nevada and Colorado. He will be based in Oakland, Calif., effective March 22.