GREENWICH, Conn. — Genesee & Wyoming Inc. railroads have earned the industry’s top awards for safety performance in 2009.
GWI’s Buffalo & Pittsburgh Railroad (B&P) yesterday won the E.H. Harriman Gold Award for the best employee safety record among railroads working less than four million employee-hours in 2009. The B&P is a Class II freight railroad with 368 miles of track in western New York and Pennsylvania. Its 200 employees have not had an FRA-reportable injury since 2007.
Earlier this month, the B&P also received two President’s Awards from the American Short Line and Regional Railroad Association (ASLRRA) for both the best safety performance in the 250,000+ employee-hours category and for the most hours of injury-free operation in 2009.
GWI’s Willamette & Pacific Railroad (W&P) won the ASLRRA President’s Award for best 2009 safety performance in the 150,000-250,000 employee-hours category. The W&P is a Class III freight railroad with 184 miles of track in Oregon. Its 100 employees have worked injury-free for more than four years.
GWI’s Illinois & Midland Railroad (I&M) won the President’s Award for the 50,000-150,000 employee-hours category. The I&M, a Class III freight railroad with 83 employees and 97 miles of track in Illinois, was injury-free in 2009.
In addition, 40 of GWI’s U.S. railroads received Jake Awards with Distinction from the ASLRRA for completing 2009 with zero FRA-reportable injuries. Overall, 52 of 62 GWI railroads were injury-free in 2009.
The combined injury-frequency rate for GWI railroads in 2009 was 0.74 per 200,000 employee-hours, nearly five times better than the peer group average and more than twice as good as the Class I average.