Month: July 2010

Union Pacific Corporation Declares Quarterly Dividend of 33 Cents Per Share
OMAHA, Neb. – The Board of Directors of Union Pacific Corp. has declared a quarterly dividend of 33 cents per share on its common stock, payable October 1, 2010, to stockholders of record August 31, 2010. Union Pacific has paid dividends on its common stock for 111 consecutive years.

Amtrak Cascades Continues with Record Ridership Growth in 2010
SEATTLE – Amtrak Cascades has taken 2010 by storm with double-digit ridership growth and record breaking totals each month this year. The second quarter of 2010 finished as the highest second quarter since 1994 with a total of 214,641 passengers. Compared to the second quarter of 2009, this is an increase of over 25,000 and nearly 12 percent. The first quarter of 2010 also had record ridership with an increase of nearly 34,000 riders over 2009. “The growth of Amtrak Cascades this year has been phenomenal and is a strong indicator of the demand for this service” said Scott Witt,

Amtrak Calfornia’s San Joaquin Service Increases Capacity by 25 Percent
OAKLAND – Amtrak’s San Joaquin corridor is experiencing unprecedented ridership through California’s Central Valley this summer. As a result, the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and Amtrak California have added passenger cars to meet this demand. Currently all twelve of the daily San Joaquin trains operate with a four-car configuration. Now through Labor Day, a fifth car will be added to at least six of the busiest trains that serve the San Francisco Bay Area, Sacramento and the San Joaquin Valley. The additional car will increase capacity by 25 percent, allowing an additional 88 passengers to comfortably ride Amtrak California’s

Amtrak Buying 130 New Passenger Rail Cars to Support Long-Distance Train Service
WASHINGTON – Amtrak is implementing the first step in a long-term, comprehensive fleet renewal plan with the purchase of 130 new single-level rail cars to support its long-distance train services. The five-year, $298.1 million contract is being awarded to CAF USA which is creating 575 jobs to perform manufacturing and final assembly work at its plant in Elmira, N.Y. The first car is scheduled to roll off the assembly line in October 2012. “This major equipment purchase demonstrates our strong belief in the future of intercity passenger rail in America and Amtrak’s leading role in meeting this critical national transportation

U.S. Transportation Secretary LaHood Announces $727,000 for New York High-Speed Rail
NEW YORK — U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood announced $727,000 for the State of New York to continue work on its high-speed rail program with the rehabilitation of the Buffalo-Depew railroad station. The Department of Transportation has provided New York $1.7 million of the $151 million awarded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) for high-speed rail. “President Obama’s bold vision for high-speed rail is a game-changer for transportation in New York and the United States,” LaHood said. “This undertaking is not only creating good jobs and reinvigorating our manufacturing base, it’s also going to reduce our dependence on

CN Announces Plan to Buy Back Shares Through Private Agreements
MONTREAL — CN said it intends to purchase for cancellation up to two million of its common shares pursuant to private agreements between CN and an arm’s-length third-party seller. The purchases will form part of CN’s 15-million share repurchase program announced on Jan. 26. Such purchases will be made pursuant to an issuer bid exemption order issued by the Ontario Securities Commission and will take place before the end of September 2010. The price that CN will pay for any common shares purchased by it under such agreements will be negotiated by CN and the seller and will be at

Norfolk Southern Completes $21 Million Worth of Track Work in Seven Days in Southwestern Pennsylvania
NORFOLK, Va. — Earlier this month, Norfolk Southern’s Maintenance of Way and Structures Department completed $21 million in track, signal and bridge work in seven days on one if its primary coal lines in southwestern Pennsylvania. The Mon Line extends approximately 85 miles from Pittsburgh to coal mines in Washington and Greene counties. In 2009, almost 42 million tons of coal was transported over this rail line. Approximately 20 trains daily use the Mon Line. “Because the Mon Line is critical to Pennsylvania’s coal industry, every year in early July we undertake an intensive effort to maintain and improve the

Norfolk Southern Receives Industry Automotive Service Awards
NORFOLK, Va. — Norfolk Southern’s Automotive Distribution Group recently received two Automotive Quality Excellence Awards for outstanding service from the Association of American Railroads (AAR). The awards are based on rigorous, unannounced audits of rail-served automotive facilities throughout North America. Norfolk Southern won the Highest Quality Review Score for Destination Facilities by achieving a perfect score of 100 percent at its Titusville, Fla., automotive facility. This was the first perfect score ever given any facility since the AAR began its present audit program in 1997. Norfolk Southern also won the award for Greatest Overall Quality Review Score Improvement at Chrysler’s

U.S. Transportation Secretary LaHood, Governor Doyle Sign Agreement for $46.5 Million for Wisconsin High-Speed Rail
WASHINGTON — U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood and Wisconsin Gov. Jim Doyle have signed an agreement providing $46.5 million in American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funds for work to continue on the state’s aggressive high-speed rail program. The funding is the latest installment from the $822 million that President Obama announced for Wisconsin high-speed rail from the Recovery Act in January. Wisconsin previously received a $5.7 million Recovery Act grant that brings their high-speed rail total to $52.2 million. Nationally, an unprecedented $8 billion down payment for the creation of a national network of interconnected high-speed rail corridors was included