New Jersey Assemblyman Chris DePhillips wants state lawmakers to rescind the NJ Transit fare hike set for July 1 and the new corporate transit fee proposed by Gov. Phil Murphy, citing the undue burden they place on New Jersey residents and businesses during an already challenging economic climate.
“It’s embarrassing that Democrats have increased state spending by 62% in just six years but can’t make NJ Transit work efficiently without budget gimmicks,” said DePhillips, a member of the Assembly Transportation Committee. “I’m committed to making tough decisions that will transform our transportation system, but these measures are just temporary patches that cost taxpayers and commuters too much.”
“We need a decade-focused strategy to make this work,” DePhillips continued. “These increases will disproportionately affect working families and businesses, adding financial strain when they can least afford it. This is a moment when state government needs to step up.”
In April, the NJ Transit board unanimously approved a double-digit fare hike for trains and buses starting July 1, along with an annual 3% fare increase starting in July 2025.
“I’m not sure anyone who has bought a ticket to Manhattan has thought it was the right decision; it was just a decision,” DePhillips said. “That’s where NJ Transit fails and disconnects with its customers the most.”
DePhillips pointed out that commuters often compare the cost of commuting by car with using mass transit, and increased fares discourage ridership, leading to more traffic congestion and environmental impact.
“Public transportation should be affordable. Raising fares only pushes more people away from using NJ Transit, which contradicts our goals of reducing traffic and emissions,” DePhillips said.
In addition to opposing fare hikes, DePhillips is calling for the rescindment of the corporate transit tax, introduced by Murphy in his proposed budget to fund NJ Transit.
“There’s no reason to choose one burden over the other,” said DePhillips. He argues that this tax places an unfair burden on businesses, many of which are still recovering from the economic downturn caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
“Our businesses are the backbone of our economy. Imposing additional taxes on them is counterproductive to our efforts to foster economic growth and job creation. We need to support our businesses, not stifle them,” DePhillips said. “After increasing state spending by 62% in just six years, this shouldn’t be a problem for state government. It’s all about setting our priorities right.”
DePhillips is advocating for alternative solutions to fund NJ Transit without burdening commuters or businesses. He urges his fellow lawmakers to prioritize fiscal responsibility and consider the long-term impacts of these proposed measures.
“I call on my colleagues in the Assembly and Senate to join me in opposing the NJ Transit fare hikes and the corporate transit tax. Let’s work together to find sustainable solutions that benefit all New Jerseyans,” DePhillips concluded.