Delta Railroad Services Hires Lynne Woehlke as Director of Sales

ASHTABULA, OHIO — Delta Railroad Services has appointed Lynne Woehlke as its sales director.

In this new role, Woehlke will oversee the expansion of both Delta Railroad Services and Quality Track Equipment’s range of services that include equipment remanufacturing, parts, contracting, and leasing.

“Lynne brings over 22 years of railroad experience in executive and sales leadership roles — spanning from original maintenance-of-way equipment manufacturing and leasing to project contracting, to communications and signal work. Anyone will agree that her passion for the railroad industry is clear within moments of meeting her,”
Linda Laurello, CEO of Delta Railroad Services, said. “We are excited to have her on board.”

Woehlke graduated from Miami University with a Bachelor’s of business administration and a Master’s of business administration at Marquette University. She is active in many railway clubs across the United States and Canada.

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