Norfolk Southern Reports $3 Billion in Q4 Revenue

Norfolk Southern Corporation’s fourth quarter revenue was $3 billion, with $1.1 billion in income from railway operations, an operating ratio of 62.6% and diluted earnings per share of $3.23.

For 2024, revenue was $12.1 billion, with $4.1 billion in income from railway operations, an operating ratio was 66.4% and diluted earnings per share of $11.57.

After adjusting the results to exclude the impact of railway line sales, the Eastern Ohio incident, restructuring and other charges, as well as shareholder advisory costs, fourth quarter income from railway operations was $1.1 billion, the operating ratio was 64.9%, and diluted earnings per share were $3.04. Excluding the same items and a deferred income tax benefit, full-year income from railway operations was $4.1 billion, operating ratio was 65.8%, and diluted earnings per share were $11.85.

Norfolk Southern officials said the insurance recoveries related to the derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, exceeded incremental costs for the third consecutive quarter.

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