Port of Savannah’s Ocean Terminal, Receives Four New Electric Ship-to-Shore Cranes

Four new ship-to-shore cranes pass by downtown Savannah en route to the Georgia Ports Authority. (Photo Stephen Morton/GPA)

The Port of Savannah in Georgia received four new electric ship-to-shore cranes on January 25, 2025, bringing Ocean Terminal’s fleet to eight Super Post Panamax cranes designed by Finland-based Konecranes.

Once all cranes are commissioned and berth construction is completed, the eight ship-to-shore cranes at Ocean Terminal can service two vessels simultaneously.

“The completion of this project in 2028 will enable Ocean Terminal to accommodate the largest vessels serving the U.S. East Coast,” Georgia Ports CEO Ed McCarthy said. “Our goal is to ensure customers have the future berth capacity for their larger vessels’ first port of calls with the fastest U.S. inland connectivity to compete in world markets.”

Ocean Terminal, while still open and operating, is currently in a renovation phase. The GPA board approved a $29 million exit ramp from the terminal enabling direct to local highways which will allow trucks direct highway transit to Atlanta without any traffic lights until entering Atlanta. The ramp project is 60% complete and is designed with the local community in mind to keep container trucks off local neighborhood roads.

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