STB Approves CN’s Acquisition of Iowa Northern Railway

JJ Ruest, CN CEO, is seen here with the different locomotives welcomed in CN’s ranks over the years to propel its service farther than any other North American railway, similar to how the IPO propelled CN to new heights. Locomotives from left to right: BC Rail, Grand Trunk Western, CN, Illinois Central Railroad, the Wisconsin Central Railroad, and the Elgin, Joliet & Eastern Railway. (Globe Newswire)

The U.S. Surface Transportation Board has approved CN’s acquisition of Iowa Northern Railway Company.

The decision allows CN to combine IANR’s 175 route miles with CN’s nearly 20,000-mile rail network as early as February 13, 2025. A combined CN-IANR will offer single-line service for grain, fertilizer, renewable fuels, and industrial markets to CN’s North American network.

Customers and local businesses along the IANR network will benefit from new optionality to respond to the needs of their existing markets and accelerate growth in new markets.

Earlier on Tuesday, Iowa Northern Railway workers voted unanimously to join the Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employes Division of the Teamsters Rail Conference.

Based in Waterloo, Iowa, the Class III Iowa Northern Railway serves over 250 miles of track throughout the state. The carrier has three interchanges with Class I railroads – allowing freight to travel more efficiently to its destination.

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