Union Pacific Continues Transferring Commuter Rail Services to Metra

A pair of Union Pacific locomotives idle in Atlanta on June 11, 2011. (Photo by Todd DeFeo)

Union Pacific said it is working closely with Metra to finalize the safe and seamless transfer of commuter rail services on three lines in the Chicago metropolitan area: the Union Pacific North, Northwest, and West Lines.

Mechanical and station agent services and some management services have already been successfully transferred to Metra. The transfer of Train Operation services is expected to occur in mid-April, followed by the transfer of some Engineering services.

While Metra will soon take over these services, financial negotiations are ongoing, including compensation for Metra’s use of Union Pacific’s tracks and infrastructure.

In August 2024, Metra and Union Pacific agreed to mediate the compensation matter before the Surface Transportation Board. The mediation was extended several times and ended on Jan. 31 without an agreement. Union Pacific offered Metra to use binding arbitration to resolve the issue.

“We are proud of the work Metra and Union Pacific have accomplished to progress the transfer of services,” Liisa Stark, Union Pacific vice president of Public Affairs, said in a release. “We are committed to reaching a financial agreement this year that is fair to both parties.”

Union Pacific will maintain the tracks and manage train movements on all three lines.

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