CN, Iowa Northern Railway Officially Merge Operations

(Courtesy CN)

CN and Iowa Northern Railway Company officially joined their operations on March 1, as previously authorized by the U.S. Surface Transportation Board.

Officials said that with the closing of this transaction, CN and Iowa Northern can begin integrating their two railroads to improve customer service, the Iowa economy and communities along the network.

“This additional investment in the United States underscores our dedication to delivering outstanding rail service while driving economic growth,” Tracy Robinson, CN’s president and chief executive officer, said in a statement. “CN customers and partners along this network will benefit from single-line service offering new options and access to new markets.”

Iowa Northern’s 175 route miles will merge with CN’s nearly 20,000-mile rail network. Officials said the merger would offer single-line service to connect grain, fertilizer, renewable fuels, and industrial markets to CN’s North American network.

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