Before you copy and paste this information to your website, please keep in mind this research took a lot of effort. Appreciate it. Learn from it. But do not plagiarize it. Yes, if you think we might be talking to you, we are.

SR 457 – Richard L. Hillman & Glover Machine Works, Marietta – commend


1- 1 Commending and honoring Richard L. Hillman and the Glover
1- 2 Machine Works of Marietta, Georgia; and for other purposes.

1- 3 WHEREAS, the last locomotive was removed from the Glover
1- 4 Machine Works in Marietta, Georgia, in 1995, marking the end
1- 5 of almost a century of steam engine construction for the
1- 6 South’s last locomotive builder; and

1- 7 WHEREAS, from 1902 until the end of production, the Glover
1- 8 Machine Works produced over 200 locomotives for use across
1- 9 America and the world, and the name “GLOVER” above a
1-10 locomotive cylinder was a mark of distinction; and

1-11 WHEREAS, Richard L. Hillman, a lifelong student of history
1-12 and the marketing manager for Georgia Northeastern Railroad,
1-13 discovered that the Glover Works had retained paperwork,
1-14 photographs, plans, and catalogs in their archives,
1-15 documenting the production and marketing of their steam
1-16 locomotives over nearly a century; and

1-17 WHEREAS, with the aid of the Glover family, including James
1-18 Bolan Glover IV and James Bolan Glover V, Richard Hillman
1-19 has preserved the story of locomotive building in Georgia
1-20 for posterity in his book Glover Steam Locomotives, The
1-21 South’s Last Steam Builder; and

1-22 WHEREAS, Mr. Hillman’s story of the Glover family and their
1-23 locomotive works is an inspiration to those who respect the
1-24 power of today’s diesel-electric locomotives, but long for
1-25 the old days of whistle stops, Pullman cars, and those
1-26 hammering driving wheels.

1-28 commends Richard L. Hillman and his history of the Glover
1-29 Machine Works locomotive shop and pauses for a moment to
1-30 hear that lonesome whistle blow.

1-31 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary of the Senate is
1-32 authorized and directed to transmit appropriate copies of
1-33 this resolution to Richard L. Hillman and James Bolan Glover
1-34 V.

Click here to read the original version.

Senate Action House
3/28/97 Read 1st time
3/28/97 Passed/Adopted

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Before you copy and paste this information to your website, please keep in mind this research took a lot of effort. Appreciate it. Learn from it. But do not plagiarize it. Yes, if you think we might be talking to you, we are.