This information is based on newspaper accounts and other public information and is presented as accurately as possible. Before you copy and paste this information to your website, please keep in mind this research took a lot of effort. Appreciate it. Learn from it. But do not plagiarize it. Yes, if you think we might be talking to you, we are.
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Deceased: November 13, 1968 Deceased - Luther Claude Hames Sr. 19681113000000
Birthday: June 16, 1834 Birthday - Oliver Wiley Harbin 18340616000000
Deceased: November 29, 1910 Deceased - Oliver Wiley Harbin 19101129000000
Birthday: September 9, 1842 Birthday - Richard R. Hargis 18420909000000
Deceased: March 26, 1926 Deceased - Richard R. Hargis 19260326000000
Birthday: September 8, 1849 Birthday - R. J. Harlan 18490908000000
Deceased: December 30, 1916 Deceased - R. J. Harlan 19161230000000
Birthday: March 13, 1869 Birthday - Reginald Fairfax Harrison 18690313000000
Deceased: February 2, 1938 Deceased - Reginald Fairfax Harrison 19380202000000
Birthday: April 29, 1906 Birthday - George Hogue 19060429000000
Deceased: March 9, 1976 Deceased - George Hogue 19760309000000