This information is based on newspaper accounts and other public information and is presented as accurately as possible. Before you copy and paste this information to your website, please keep in mind this research took a lot of effort. Appreciate it. Learn from it. But do not plagiarize it. Yes, if you think we might be talking to you, we are.
Widget cnw_search-3 ID found but it is inactive.
- The results are being filtered by the organization: Central of Georgia Railway
Birthday: April 1, 1871 Birthday - W. R. Bittick 18710401000000
Deceased: December 12, 1947 Deceased - W. R. Bittick 19471212000000
Birthday: September 8, 1849 Birthday - R. J. Harlan 18490908000000
Deceased: December 30, 1916 Deceased - R. J. Harlan 19161230000000