WASHINGTON — The Surface Transportation Board announced that it will hold a public field hearing on Aug. 21, 2008, in Eugene, Ore., to hear public testimony related to two railroad proceedings currently before the Board.
One proceeding involves an application by the Central Oregon & Pacific Railroad Inc. to abandon and discontinue railroad service over portions of a railroad line known as the Coos Bay Subdivision. The
other proceeding concerns a separate application by the Oregon International Port of Coos Bay that instead would force CORP to sell those same portions of the line, as well as an additional line segment, to the Port.
The Thursday, Aug. 21, 2008, public hearing will take place beginning at 9:30 a.m. in Room 2200 (the Jury Assembly Room) of the Wayne L. Morse U.S. Courthouse, 405 East Eighth Avenue, Eugene, Oregon. Any person wishing to speak at the hearing must file with the Board, by August 11, 2008, a written notice of intent to participate, identifying the party represented, the proposed speaker, and the minutes of speaking time requested.