Month: May 2010

Chambliss: ‘Intelligence Community Needs Strong and Focused Leadership’

Feds Change Union Rules

CSX Executive Discusses Opportunities for Women in the Future of Freight Rail
WASHINGTON — Today’s freight rail industry offers great opportunities for women leaders to address critical challenges facing the nation, Lisa Mancini, CSX Corporation senior vice president, human resources and labor relations, said during a panel on “The Evolving Subject of Leadership” at the Women’s Transportation Seminar Annual Conference in Washington.

Northeast States and Amtrak Seek Improved Rail Service from Washington to Boston
WASHINGTON – Eleven Northeast states from Maine to Maryland, with close support from Amtrak and the Coalition of Northeastern Governors (CONEG), announced the submission of a multi-state proposal requesting that the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) lead a planning effort to further define the role that intercity and high-speed passenger rail can play in helping improve the region’s transportation network, expand capacity, relieve highway and aviation congestion, and stimulate sustainable economic growth along the Northeast Corridor (NEC).