NJ Transit CEO Kevin Corbett is resigning and to take a university job, NJ.com reported.
“This is a positive day for New Jersey commuters and taxpayers,” Assemblymen Chris DePhillips, R-Wyckoff, said in a statement. “Kevin Corbett has been tone deaf to the daily hell that New Jersey Transit commuters have faced for years, and that is why I called for his resignation when he finally came before the Assembly Transportation Committee on Nov. 14.”
DePhillips, a member of the Assembly Transportation Committee, has been a vocal critic of Corbett, the NJ Transit board and Gov. Phil Murphy. This past summer was among its worst, dubbed “the summer from hell” by commuters and media outlets alike, with 1,820 train cancellations between June 1 and Aug. 31 along its Northeast Corridor line alone, even as riders were hit with 15% fare hikes.
DePhillips has repeatedly called for bicameral legislative hearings to demand answers.
“It’s clear that throwing more money at the problems isn’t solving anything. It’s not a money issue, it’s a leadership issue,” DePhillips said. “Corbett should have been fired, especially following the disastrous summer season, to send a message that we mean business. But if he is truly leaving, then I expect a stronger, forward-thinking leader to be installed to turn this failing agency around.”
Click here to hear Corbett speak with Railfanning.org.