The nation’s railroads have made significant strides implementing Positive Train Control (PTC), a former Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) administrator says.
The emphasis of this year’s capital plan continues to be on maintaining and expanding its network with an unwavering focus on operating a safe railroad that meets customers’ demands, the company said.
BNSF Railway Co. plans to spend $3.3 billion on capital investments in 2018, a move that shows a continued focus on maintaining its network as well as expansion projects aimed at meeting customer demands, railroad officials said.
The federal government is expecting railroads to implement positive train control (PTC) systems by the Congressionally mandated Dec. 31 deadline, Transportation Secretary Elaine L. Chao said in a letter.
Total rail traffic volume in the United States in 2016 was 26,587,351 carloads and intermodal units, down 5 percent or 1,389,323 carloads and intermodal units from the same point last year.