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STB’s Buttrey Leaving Government

WASHINGTON — Surface Transportation Board Commissioner W. Douglas Buttrey announced that he plans to leave government service upon the completion of the Board’s work on several pending matters. Buttrey was nominated to serve on the Board by President George W. Bush on Nov. 17, 2003, for a five-year term expiring Dec. 31.  He served as the agency’s Chairman from Jan. 5, 2006 until Aug. 14, 2006. Pursuant to the Board’s governing statute, a Board Member may continue to serve for up to one year after the termination of the Member’s term, unless a successor is appointed. Buttrey stated, in a

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STB to Hold Public Hearing

WASHINGTON — The Surface Transportation Board announced that it will hold a public field hearing on Aug. 21, 2008, in Eugene, Ore., to hear public testimony related to two railroad proceedings currently before the Board. One proceeding involves an application by the Central Oregon & Pacific Railroad Inc. to abandon and discontinue railroad service over portions of a railroad line known as the Coos Bay Subdivision.  The other proceeding concerns a separate application by the Oregon International Port of Coos Bay that instead would force CORP to sell those same portions of the line, as well as an additional line

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Congressional Leaders Introduce Bill Directing STB to Consider Public Interest in Proposed Rail Transactions

WASHINGTON — The Surface Transportation Board (STB) would be required to take into account the safety and environmental effects on local communities when considering a merger or acquisition proposal by a railroad, under legislation introduced last night by Rep. James L. Oberstar, D-Minn., Chairman of the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. The Taking Responsible Action for Community Safety Act clarifies that, prior to approval of a merger or acquisition proposal by a Class I railroad of a Class II or Class III railroad, the STB must consider factors such as public safety, emergency response time, and noise impacts. The legislation

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STB Announcers Hearing’s Speakers

WASHINGTON — The Surface Transportation Board has provided a schedule of speakers appearances and their time allocations for the Board’s July 22, 2008 public hearing for the proceeding entitled, Common Carrier Obligation of Railroads—Transportation of Hazardous Materials, STB Ex Parte No. 677. The Tuesday, July 22 hearing will begin at 9:00 a.m. in the Board’s Hearing Room on the 1st Floor of the agency’s headquarters at Patriots Plaza, 395 E St., S.W., in Washington. The Board initially announced the public hearing in STB Ex Parte No. 677 (Sub-No. 1), in a decision issued to the public on June 4, 2008

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STB Denies Nev.’s Request to Halt DOE Project

WASHINGTON — The Surface Transportation Board has denied a request by the State of Nevada to reject the application of the United States Department of Energy for authority to construct and operate an approximately 300-mile railroad line in Nevada, in the Board proceeding entitled United States Department of Energy — Rail Construction and Operation — Caliente Rail Line in Lincoln, Nye, and Esmeralda counties. The Board found that DOE’s application was sufficiently complete for this stage of the proceeding. The proposed rail line, to be known as the Caliente Line, would connect an existing line near Caliente, Nev., to a

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STB Reschedules Hazardous Materials Hearing

WASHINGTON — The Surface Transportation Board announced that it has rescheduled — to July 22 — its public hearing examining issues related to the common carrier obligation of railroads (the duty of railroads to provide transportation or service on reasonable request) relative to the transportation of hazardous materials. Notices of intent to participate, speakers’ written testimonies, and written submissions by interested persons not wishing to appear at the hearing are now due no later than July 8. The Board originally had scheduled the hearing for July 16 with submissions by hearing participants and by interested persons not wishing to appear

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Canadian National

Congressmen Oppose CN’s Request for Expedited Review

WASHINGTON — Sens. Richard Lugar, R-Ind., and Evan Bayh, D-Ind., and Rep. Pete Visclosky, D-Ind., have sent a joint letter to the Surface Transportation Board (STB) stating their opposition to Canadian National’s request for an expedited environmental review and decision on its pending acquisition of the EJ&E Railroad. “Given the impact of this acquisition on local communities throughout Northwest Indiana, it’s important that the STB have the time for careful consideration of the deal,” Bayh said. “I believe strongly that area residents should be given the opportunity for a thoughtful, public review and the chance to voice concerns and have

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STB to Hold Hazardous Materials Hearing

WASHINGTON — The Surface Transportation Board will hold a public hearing next month to discuss “issues related to the common carrier obligation of railroads—the duty of railroads to provide transportation or service on reasonable request—with respect to the transportation of hazardous materials.” The hearing follows one held in April on the general topic of the common carrier obligation of railroads. The July 16 hearing “will provide a forum for a more detailed discussion of issues specifically pertaining to the railroads’ common carrier obligation regarding the movement of toxic by inhalation hazards and other hazardous materials,” the STB said in a

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STB Grants $30M Rate Reduction Against UP

WASHINGTON — The Surface Transportation Board issued a decision granting an estimated $30 million in rate reductions and reparations in the maximum railroad-rate case brought before the Board by the Kansas City Power & Light Company (KCPL) against Union Pacific Railroad. At issue in this case was KCPL’s challenge to rates charged by UP for the rail transportation of coal from Wyoming’s Powder River Basin to KCPL’s Montrose Generating Station near Ladue, Mo. The parties to this case stipulated that the maximum lawful rate should be set at 180 percent of the variable cost of providing service. In its decision,

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Norfolk Southern

Pan Am Railways and Norfolk Southern Create the Patriot Corridor to Improve Rail Service and Expand Capacity in New York and New England

NORTH BILLERICA, Mass. — Pan Am Railways and Norfolk Southern Railway have agreed to create an improved rail route between Albany, N.Y., and the greater Boston, Mass., area called the “Patriot Corridor.” Investments in the Patriot Corridor are expected to improve track quality and customer service, boost train speed and reliability, and increase capacity on the route. PAR and NS each will have a 50 percent interest in the newly formed railroad company, called “Pan Am Southern.” PAR has agreed to transfer to the joint venture its 155-mile main line track that runs between Mechanicville (Albany), N.Y., and Ayer, Mass.,