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MARTA: New Economic Forecast Predicts Further Decline In Sales Tax Revenue

ATLANTA — MARTA “stands to lose” hundreds of millions in sales tax revenues over the next decade on top of an already projected $1.2 billion shortfall, according to a new economic analysis from the Georgia State University Economic Forecasting Center, the transit authority. This forecast shows “the urgent need for a new dedicated and reliable source of transit funding in the state and region,” MARTA said. About a month into the new fiscal year, MARTA is already re-evaluating its options to address a continuing shortfall in FY 2010 revenues, officials said. “This new report is extremely sobering.  Unfortunately, we’ve continued

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MARTA Board of Directors Requests Meeting With State’s Governor

ATLANTA — MARTA Board of Directors urged Gov. Sonny Perdue, Lt. Governor Casey Cagle and House Speaker Glenn Richardson to call a special session to “deal with” transportation and MARTA funding issues. During their 2009 General Assembly, state legislators did not to pass what MARTA officials call “critical legislation providing regional or state transportation funding and lifting restrictions on the use of MARTA’s capital reserve funds,” MARTA contends. The Georgia General Assembly ended April 3, and during this year’s legislative session, MARTA officials petitioned state lawmakers to grant the authority access to $65 million in its capital reserve account to

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Norfolk Southern

Norfolk Southern Names Stewart and Allison to Key Finance Positions; Romig Retires

NORFOLK, Va. — Marta R. Stewart has been named vice president and treasurer, and C.H. “Jake” Allison, Jr. has been named vice president and controller for Norfolk Southern Corporation, with headquarters in Norfolk, effective April 1. Stewart succeeds William J. Romig, who retires March 31 after a 32-year career at Norfolk Southern. Stewart joined NS in 1983 as assistant manager of accounting systems and served as manager financial reporting, director corporate accounting, and assistant vice president corporate accounting before being named vice president and controller in 2003. She holds an accounting degree from The College of William & Mary and

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MARTA and Transit Stakeholders Discuss the Future of a Regional Rail System during a Three-Day Symposium

ATLANTA — MARTA joined with regional leaders and transit stakeholders during an informative three-day rail symposium on Feb. 18-20. Participants received information on the latest trolley, streetcar and light rail technologies and discussed how these systems could be used for future expansion projects included in the so-called “Concept 3” regional transit plan. “As we move toward implementation of an expanded regional transit system, it is essential that we take a thoughtful and creative look at the transit technologies that will work best for us,” said MARTA General Manager/CEO Dr. Beverly A. Scott.  “These invaluable professional exchanges allow us to work

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MARTA Completes Extensive Rail Car Rehabilitation Program

ATLANTA — MARTA has completed an extensive rail car rehabilitation program overhauling 218 of its oldest cars to extend each car’s life line by 15 years. The cost-effective program has already resulted in an increase in MARTA’s rail service reliability by 22 percent and has also improved on-time performance substantially. MARTA General Manager/CEO Beverly A. Scott unveiled the final two rehabilitated rail cars on Feb. 18 during a special celebration at the authority’s Armour Rail Yard. For a cost of $246 million, MARTA contracted with New York based-Alstom Transportation, Inc. USA to take each vehicle down to its shell and

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MARTA: New Economic Forecast Predicts Worsening Budget Crisis

ATLANTA — The latest economic forecast issued in December 2008 for MARTA by the Georgia State Economic Forecasting Center predicts a further worsening of its current fiscal crisis by an additional $10 million, the transit agency said. The forecast also predicts MARTA will experience a cumulative loss of more than $1.2 billion in sales tax revenue over the next ten years – that is up an additional $588 million from its fall 2008 report. “This latest forecast truly underscores the magnitude and severity of the economic times that we are currently dealing with,” said Beverly A. Scott, MARTA General Manager

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MARTA Ridership Jumps 13.2 Percent in July

ATLANTA — MARTA provided service for over 14 million passengers during July – a 13.2 percent jump in ridership over July of last year. Ridership increased across the board for all modes of transportation including increases of 12.9 percent (7.8 million boardings) for rail, 13.6 percent (6.2 million boardings) for bus, and 18.2 percent (37,000) for MARTA’s mobility paratransit service for seniors and disabled customers. “Thanks to rising gas prices, we’ve had a great opportunity to introduce new customers to the system, and we are extremely pleased that more people are taking advantage of the affordable cost and convenience of

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MARTA Approves New Agreement for Ad Space

ATLANTA — MARTA’s Board of Directors has selected CBS Outdoor Group Inc. to manage the sale and use of advertising space on buses, rail cars, stations, bus shelters and benches. The deal totaling a guaranteed minimum of $60.3 million includes a 15-year contract for bus shelters and benches and a five-year contract for transit advertisements, including rail cars, buses and stations. As part of these contracts, CBS will replace aging bus shelters, implement rigorous cleaning and maintenance programs for advertising venues, and offer new ways for customers to provide feedback, officials said. “At the core of this agreement is an opportunity

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MARTA: Ridership Increases in FY07 Thanks to Improved Service and New Fare Equipment

ATLANTA — MARTA experienced a significant boost in ridership in FY07 providing service for 147.5 million passenger boardings – 6.6 percent more than the previous fiscal year, officials said. Rail ridership also increased 12.2 percent with 77.7 million passenger boardings.  Thanks to the additional ridership, passenger revenue was also up 3.5 percent contributing to a budget surplus for the second year in a row. “MARTA’s efforts to improve service and to take a more customer focused approach to the way we do business have successfully resulted in an increase in ridership,” said MARTA General Manager Richard McCrillis.  “We are extremely

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MARTA Welcomes New General Manager Dr. Beverly Scott to Lead the Agency

ATLANTA — MARTA’s new General Manager and Chief Executive Officer Beverly Scott joined the Authority this week after being selected last month by the MARTA Board of Directors. Scott has over 30 years of experience in the transit industry and has held leadership positions at some of the nation’s largest transit agencies. “Dr. Scott brings to the table a wealth of transit experience at an important point in MARTA’s history and a critical time for transportation planning in the region,” said Interim Board Chairman Reverend Walter L. Kimbrough.  “With Dr. Scott’s leadership and vision, we will continue to improve our