Month: September 2014

Union Pacific Railroad Urges Professional Photographers to Stay Safe, Stay Away From Train Tracks

CN to Donate to Hospital Expansion

CSX: Well-Positioned For Continued Profitable Growth As Long-Term Trends Favor Rail Transportation
As global freight demand increases and American highways remain overcrowded and underfunded, CSX is building on a proven track record of success for shareholders by capitalizing on growth opportunities across nearly all of its markets, Chief Financial Officer Fredrik Eliasson told investors and analysts today at the UBS Best of Americas conference in London. The company is leveraging the most diverse business mix in its history, supported by a rail network that connects Eastern ports to major consumption regions and reaches more than two-thirds of American consumers.

Committee Leaders Introduce Bipartisan Passenger Rail Legislation
Transportation and Infrastructure Committee leaders today introduced bipartisan legislation that improves the infrastructure, reduces costs, leverages private sector resources, creates greater accountability and transparency, and accelerates project delivery for Amtrak and the Nation’s passenger rail transportation system.