The Museum hosted its third annual Railroad Rendezvous, and railfans young and old gathered to take in model railroads, listen to railroad songs and participate in a hobo jungle. A number also enjoyed the rare opportunity to climb onto The General locomotive.
Outside the museum, CSX parked a CW44AC diesel-electric locomotive — No. 499 — on a spur track, giving attendees the chance to see a piece of modern-day motive power up close.
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Todd DeFeo loves to travel anywhere, anytime, taking pictures and notes. An award-winning reporter, Todd revels in the experience and the fact that every place has a story to tell. He is owner of The DeFeo Groupe and also edits Express Telegraph and The Travel Trolley.
Georgia officials are exploring ways to address blocked railroad crossings, including working with railroads to install more sidings and eliminate grade crossings.
Norfolk Southern Corp. plans to replace the railroad crossing on Bellville Road/South Main Street in Lake Park in December, which will close a portion of the road and require traffic to detour.
ATLANTA — MARTA has completed an extensive rail car rehabilitation program overhauling 218 of its oldest cars to extend each car’s life line by 15 years. The cost-effective program has already resulted in an increase in MARTA’s rail service reliability by 22 percent and has also improved on-time performance substantially. MARTA General Manager/CEO Beverly A. Scott unveiled the final two rehabilitated rail cars on Feb. 18 during a special celebration at the authority’s Armour Rail Yard. For a cost of $246 million, MARTA contracted with New York based-Alstom Transportation, Inc. USA to take each vehicle down to its shell and