SMYRNA, Ga. — Railfanning.org Publisher and Editor Todd DeFeo highlighted the history of the Atlanta Northern Railway during a presentation at the Smyrna Public Library.
In his presentation, titled “The Commuter Connection: Before there was no commuter rail, there was commuter rail,” focused on the need to understand history and learn from the past.
“My point is to know where we’re going, we need to know where we’ve been. As we chart out a direction for the future, let’s understand our past,” DeFeo told the standing-room only crowd. “We can’t erase what happened — whether good or bad. But we can learn from it — and we should. Maybe the Atlanta Northern is one small piece of that puzzle.
“…Stories are everywhere we look,” DeFeo said. “Sometimes we need to look a little deeper than we expected. But when we do, we might be able to find an untold story from history. And in doing so, perhaps we can fill in a missing piece of the puzzle — the puzzle of our collective story and how we as a society made it to where we are today.”