UK Branch to Investigate Death of Child Struck by Train in Croydon

The United Kingdom’s Rail Accident Investigation Branch will probe the Jan. 23 death of a child who was struck by a train and fatally injured while crossing the railway in the London Borough of Croydon.

The train was traveling at about 50 mph around 8:04 a.m. when it struck the child on Bourneview footpath crossing between Whyteleafe and Kenley.

Bourneview footpath crossing provides pedestrians with access to two residential areas of Kenley. The crossing has gates on either side of the railway and is provided with signage instructing users how to cross.

The RAIB investigation will determine the sequence of events that led to the accident and consider the factors that may have affected the child’s decisions and actions as they used the crossing. It will also consider any previous incidents at Bourneview footpath crossing and how these may be relevant to this accident, the management of risk at this crossing, Network Rail’s wider strategy for assessing and mitigating risks at footpath crossings and any relevant underlying factors.

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