Before you copy and paste this information to your website, please keep in mind this research took a lot of effort. Appreciate it. Learn from it. But do not plagiarize it. Yes, if you think we might be talking to you, we are.

Atlanta, Ga., April 13 – Yesterday morning, while the engineer and other railroad employees were eating breakfast at Big Shanty, above Marietta, some unknown persons uncoupled the engine, tender, and three cars, (on the Western & Atlantic Railroad,) and started off with them towards Dalton, cutting the telegraph wires behind them. Parties have gone after them, and, at last accounts, were said to be within fifteen minutes ride of the fugitives.

Atlanta, Ga., April 13 – Three of the bridge burners who stole our engine yesterday have been caught. – They were sent by the Federal army from Shelbyville, Tenn., to burn our bridges, and prevent reinforcements from being sent to our army in the West.

Published April 16, 1862, in the Southern Banner of Athens, Ga.

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Before you copy and paste this information to your website, please keep in mind this research took a lot of effort. Appreciate it. Learn from it. But do not plagiarize it. Yes, if you think we might be talking to you, we are.