Todd DeFeo loves to travel anywhere, anytime, taking pictures and notes. An award-winning reporter, Todd revels in the experience and the fact that every place has a story to tell. He is owner of The DeFeo Groupe and also edits Express Telegraph and The Travel Trolley.
A Georgia study committee has developed a series of recommendations aimed at helping recruit more truck drivers in the state, including removing a provision that allows plaintiffs to target a carrier’s insurance company for damages.
A provision in the proposed Railway Safety Act would require railroads to notify states about the types and frequency of trains carrying hazmat transported through its boundaries.
The Otago Central Railway constructed the line between 1877 and 1921. In doing so, the railroad created an engineering marvel that required viaducts and tunnels.
While Georgia state lawmakers are looking for solutions to what they say is a commercial truck driver shortage, an industry trade group says the concern is with turnover, not shortages.
The Bluegrass Railroad Museum offers a peaceful ride through the Kentucky landscape and past horse farms until it reaches what can only be described as a remarkable engineering marvel.
Gwinnett County leaders this week voted to move forward with a $17 billion transit plan that, if implemented, would roll out new routes and substantially expand weekday and weekend service.
Barrow County leaders and their counterparts in the county’s six cities have agreed to divvy the proceeds of Transportation Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax should voters approve it in November.
An Atlanta City Council committee has passed a measure to advocate for punishing railroads that block grade crossings for prolonged periods, the latest salvo in an ongoing dispute between railroads and communities nationwide.