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Amtrak Cascades Service Resumes Normal Operations

OAKLAND — The last of the Talgo-manufactured railcars used in the operation of Amtrak Cascades service between Eugene, Oregon and Seattle, Washington returned to service on Sunday, Oct. 21, 2007, after undergoing repairs at the maintenance facility in Seattle. All Amtrak Cascades train schedules will be effective with Amtrak’s Fall/Winter Timetable that takes effect on Oct. 29. In early August, small cracks were discovered in welds of the upper portion of the car body structure suspension support system of several cars. WSDOT, Amtrak and Talgo agreed to remove the trains from service as a precaution. “We are glad the Talgo

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Union Pacific

Union Pacific Reports Record Third Quarter Earnings

OMAHA, Neb. — Union Pacific Corporation (NYSE: UNP) today reported third quarter 2007 net income of $532 million or $2.00 per diluted share, compared to $420 million, or $1.54 per diluted share in the same quarter last year. Operating income during the third quarter 2007 was $1.0 billion, up from $752 million reported in the third quarter of 2006. “Our third quarter performance was driven by strong results on both sides of the earnings equation, setting volume and revenue records while at the same time improving safety and productivity,” said Jim Young, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. “I’m particularly pleased

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Norfolk Southern

Norfolk Southern Reports Third-Quarter 2007 Results

NORFOLK, Va. – Norfolk Southern Corporation (NYSE: NSC) reported third-quarter 2007 net income of $386 million, or $0.97 per diluted share, compared with $416 million, or $1.02 per diluted share, for the same period of 2006. Results included the effects of Illinois tax legislation enacted during the third quarter of 2007 that reduced net income by $19 million, or $0.05 per diluted share. “Norfolk Southern continued to deliver solid results in the third quarter,” said CEO Wick Moorman. “Softness in certain segments of the economy resulted in reduced traffic volumes, which we were substantially able to offset through pricing gains

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CSX Reports Strong Third Quarter Earnings

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — CSX Corporation reported third quarter 2007 net earnings of $407 million, or 91 cents per share, including 24 cents per share from discontinued operations. In the same quarter last year, the company reported earnings of $328 million, or 71 cents per share, including 17 cents per share from insurance gains and the resolution of certain tax matters. On a comparable basis, excluding these items, earnings per share from continuing operations increased 24 percent on a year-over-year basis. “Our core earning power continues to improve in a more challenging transportation environment,” said Michael Ward, chairman, president and CEO.

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Burlington Northern Santa Fe Reports All-Time Record Quarterly EPS, Revenues and Operating Income

FORT WORTH, Texas — Burlington Northern Santa Fe Corporation has reported all-time record quarterly earnings of $1.48 per diluted share, compared with third-quarter 2006 earnings of $1.33 per diluted share. “BNSF achieved record quarterly revenues, operating income and earnings as a result of our diverse portfolio of businesses, strong cost control and improved yields. We were able to produce record earnings and quarterly operating income that exceeded $1 billion for the first time in our Company’s history despite continued economic softness in our Consumer and Industrial Products business groups,” said Matthew K. Rose, BNSF Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer. “Although

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Commuter Rail

NTSB to Release Two Factual Reports on D.C. Subway Accidents

As part of its continuing investigations into two metrorail accidents the National Transportation Safety Board will open public dockets and release a series of factual reports on Thursday, Oct. 25, 2007, at 11:00 am. The two docket items are: About 10:16 a.m. on Sunday, May 14, 2006, a southbound Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) Metrorail Red Line subway train struck and fatally injured a Metrorail employee as the train was about to enter the Dupont Circle station in Washington, D.C. The fatally injured employee was an automatic train control system mechanic who had been working with two other mechanics

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CSX Transportation Wins EPA’s SmartWay Excellence Award

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — CSX Transportation has received a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) SmartWay Excellence Award, which recognizes freight carriers that have made significant contributions to protecting the environment. CSXT is the only railroad among the SmartWay Transport Partnership’s 600-plus members to receive this distinction. In recent years, CSXT has conserved 30 million gallons of fuel, improved fuel efficiency and invested more than $1 billion to upgrade its fleet with new locomotives that reduce fuel consumption and air pollutant emissions. In addition, CSXT has voluntarily pursued an aggressive policy to reduce emissions from unnecessary idling of locomotive engines, which also

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Union Pacific

Union Pacific Receives Energy Innovators Award from U.S. Department of Energy

OMAHA, Neb. — Union Pacific Center, the downtown Omaha headquarters of North America’s largest railroad, was recognized for the technological innovations that have made it one of the nation’s most energy-efficient buildings. U.S. Secretary of Energy Samuel W. Bodman visited the railroad’s headquarters to present Union Pacific an Energy Innovators Award. “The Department of Energy commends Union Pacific for making energy efficiency a priority, and for using innovative and cost-effective approaches to implement energy-saving changes,” Secretary Bodman said. “Industry initiatives to advance the President’s goal of meeting new energy challenges with cutting-edge technologies will prove increasingly important and effective as

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House Approves Federal Railroad Safety Improvement Act of 2007

WASHINGTON — The House voted 377-38 to approve the Federal Railroad Safety Improvement Act of 2007. HR 2095 will reauthorize the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) and improve the safety of our Nation’s railroads. In addition to authorizing $1.1 billion over the next four years, the bill imposes new work rules that require longer rest periods and work shifts for rail workers that generally cannot exceed 12 hours; and it increases the number of rail safety inspection and enforcement personnel. “A comparison of the modes is revealing,” Rep. James L. Oberstar, D-Minn., said. “A commercial airline pilot … can work up

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Commuter Rail

NTSB: Mechanical Problems Led to WMATA Derailment

WASHINGTON — The National Transportation Safety Board has found that mechanical problems led to a subway derailment in Washington, DC earlier this year that injured 23 passengers. The Board said that the probable cause of the derailment of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) train was a wheel climb on a car as it traversed a standard turnout near the Mt. Vernon Square station. The wheel climb was initiated by a rough wheel surface created during maintenance, the Board determined. The accident was also caused by the lack of quality control measures to ensure that wheel surfaces were smoothed