Rail Blog Railfanning in 1:87 Scale: Act I, Scene I December 8, 2012 Railfanning.org News Wire The layout focuses on Amtrak of the mid-to-late 1980s, which makes the F7A model (No. 157) seem a bit out of place.
Featured Cable Cars: A Symbol of the City January 16, 2012 Todd DeFeo There may be no greater symbol of San Francisco than the cable car.
Rail Blog Time Away From the Beach: Trains on Amelia Island August 19, 2011 Railfanning.org Photos taken Aug. 19, 2011.
Rail Blog Map of the former Staten Island Railway South Beach line June 24, 2011 Railfanning.org View SIRT South Beach Line in a larger map
Rail Blog Sometimes, you are prepared; other times you are not January 29, 2011 Todd DeFeo Railfanning wasn’t on my mind, but perhaps it should have been.
CSX Manchester provides railfans optimal location for viewing trains March 20, 2010 Todd DeFeo MANCHESTER, Ga. – Many people driving through this part of Georgia are heading to Warm Springs and FDR’s Little White House.
Rail Blog Retracing Fess Parker’s steps in Georgia March 18, 2010 Railfanning.org Fess Parker, a long-time actor known for portraying famous historical figures turned California winemaker, died today. He was 85.
History Duluth railroad museum offers glimpse into railroading heyday January 30, 2010 Todd DeFeo For 40 years, the Southeastern Railway Museum has been dedicated to the preservation of Georgia Railroad’s History.