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Nine Killed in Turkish Derailment

KUTAHYA, Turkey — Nine people were killed and at least 14 injured when a passenger train derailed Jan. 27 in western Turkey. The train was carrying more than 400 people when two of its cars derailed near Kutahya. The train left Istanbul and was heading for Denizli at the time of the derailment. Investigators are probing whether speed or ice on the tracks played a role in the crash. — News Wire

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‘World’s Top 25 Trains’ Announced by The Society of International Railway Travelers

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — What does Europe’s sophisticated “Venice Simplon-Orient-Express” have in common with India’s wheezing, narrow-gauge geezer, the 100-year-old steam “Toy Train”? They’re both members of a select group; namely, “The World’s Top 25 Trains,” as determined by The Society of International Railway Travelers. An organization of travelers who love the comfort and romance of great trains, the Society celebrates its 25th year in 2008. Some on the list are over-the-top luxury, such as the all-first-class “Golden Eagle Trans-Siberian Express,” Rovos Rail’s “Pride of Africa” and India’s “Deccan Odyssey.” Others offer the most stylish and comfortable way to see less-developed

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India Suspends Rail Service to Pakistan

India suspended its rail service with Pakistan following the assassination of former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto. Officials would not say when rail service would be restored. The rail service was suspended because officials feared Bhutto supporters upset about her death might cross the border into India. In February 2007, terrorists firebombed an Indian train heading for Pakistan, killing 68 people. — News Wire

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Dozens Killed in Pakistan Derailment

MEHRABPUR, Paistan — More than 50 people were killed in a train derailment Wednesday (Dec. 19) in southern Pakistan. The train was traveling from Karachi to Lahore when it derailed near Mehrabpur. Twelve of the train’s 16 cars derailed. In addition to the 50 deaths, more than 100 people were injured. Following the derailment, local villagers headed to the crash scene to help trapped passengers, officials said. After arriving, emergency crews rescued passengers from the mangled rail cars. Many of the train’s passengers were traveling for the Muslim festival of Eid al-Adha, also known as the festival of sacrifice. Officials

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GE – Transportation Entering UK Market

ERIE, Pa. — UK-based Freightliner Group Ltd. has placed the largest order in its history, according to GE – Transportation, which received an order for 30 freight locomotives. GE – Transportation, a unit of General Electric Co., is developing a new freight locomotive in partnership with Freightliner Group as part of a collaborative effort called “Project Genesis.” Starting in mid 2009, Freightliner will use the most advanced locomotive product in the industry while GE – Transportation will enter the UK rail freight market for the first time, officials said. GE – Transportation’s JS37ACi offers many new features, including AC traction

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GE Equipment Services Completes its First Rail Wagon Financing in India

NEW DELHI, India — GE Equipment Services, the transport solutions provider of the General Electric Company, announced today that it has provided financing to ETA Engineering Pvt. Ltd. (ETAPL) for the purchase of more than 200 rail wagons for use on India’s railways. The wagons are designed to carry freight containers. Container cargo is the fastest-growing freight segment, increasing on average at approximately 15 percent annually. The increase in foreign trade and the containerization of domestic cargo are largely fueling this growth. Container flat trains are also part of the government’s new railway wagon policy that has led to the