NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Most people think of music when the topic turns to Nashville. Music City, USA, after all, is a great music destination.
But, railfans need not be fooled. It is a great town for watching trains.
When it comes to railroad history, much of the dialogue centers on the Louisville & Nashville Railroad. The famed railroad operated from 1850 until 1982 and is a predecessor railroad to CSX.
One of the more colorful railroads to pass through Nashville is the Tennessee Central. The railroad traces its origins to 1884, when Alexander S. Crawford founded the Nashville and Knoxville Railroad; it operated until 1968 and was subsumed into three different railroads.
And, anyone looking to board a train has two options: the Music City Star or the Tennessee Central Railway Museum.
The above photos were taken on Nov. 10, 2012. Click here to read more about railfanning in Nashville.