KENNESAW, Georgia — City officials here have lifted the historic Kennesaw Depot to enable workers to improve the building’s foundation.
The depot overhaul is part of a larger downtown rehabilitation project.
KENNESAW, Georgia — City officials here have lifted the historic Kennesaw Depot to enable workers to improve the building’s foundation.
The depot overhaul is part of a larger downtown rehabilitation project.
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ATLANTA — MARTA experienced a significant boost in ridership in FY07 providing service for 147.5 million passenger boardings – 6.6 percent more than the previous fiscal year, officials said. Rail ridership also increased 12.2 percent with 77.7 million passenger boardings. Thanks to the additional ridership, passenger revenue was also up 3.5 percent contributing to a budget surplus for the second year in a row. “MARTA’s efforts to improve service and to take a more customer focused approach to the way we do business have successfully resulted in an increase in ridership,” said MARTA General Manager Richard McCrillis. “We are extremely
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