The Rail Accident Investigation Branch made four recommendations following the November 2023 collision between on-track machines near Strood, Kent.
The first three are addressed to Network Rail High Speed, and the fourth to HS1 Ltd.
The first recommendation aims to control the risks of operating engineering vehicles on the High Speed 1 line, while the second aims to keep staff working on the line safe by implementing a robust procedural framework. The third recommendation is that Network Rail High Speed ensure that internal recommendations and local actions are reviewed and implemented to reflect their intent and can be tracked and used to support safety decision-making.
The final recommendation is for HS1 Ltd to exercise effective strategic safety assurance of its suppliers.
At about 04:15 on Nov. 16, 2023, an on-track machine driver was injured while coupling a multi-purpose vehicle to a tamper on the HS1 line near Strood. The tamper, which had been stationary, moved and struck the driver after a second MPV collided with the other end of it at a speed of about 12 mph.
This second MPV was being driven towards the tamper at the end of a night shift to couple all three vehicles together.
An underlying factor in this accident was that Network Rail High Speed, the infrastructure manager for HS1, did not have safe systems of work for propelling moves or working on track when engineering vehicles were running during a possession. Another possible underlying factor was that the strategic safety assurance undertaken by HS1 Ltd, which has the concession to operate HS1, did not identify that the recommendation to fit a braking facility to the rear deck had been closed without action being taken.
Since the accident, Network Rail High Speed has fitted its MPV fleet with emergency stop buttons adjacent to the rear deck and secure communications systems. It is due to install a rearwards-facing camera connected to an in-cab monitor.