MARTA: East Lake Station Planned Closure Delayed

(Photo courtesy MARTA)

ATLANTA – The Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority said the planned closure of the south entrance at East Lake Station for pedestrian bridge replacement has been delayed.

The closure, originally scheduled for March 24, will be rescheduled due to what the agency said were “unforeseen challenges.” A new closure date has not been set, but MARTA is committed to providing advance notice once it is confirmed.

According to MARTA, two key factors have impacted the timeline for the next construction phase.

A major rainstorm in February caused flooding inside the new elevator shaft, delaying the installation of critical equipment. The new north elevator is now expected to be operational in early April. The overall schedule has been affected since the south entrance cannot close until this elevator is fully functional.

The new south bridge, which crews are assembling in the parking lot, is nearly twice the length of the north bridge and spans both College Avenue and active freight rail lines. Officials said the complexity of removing the old bridge and installing the new one requires additional coordination with external partners.

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