Rail Blog What is it about railfanning? March 25, 2003 Todd DeFeo It starts with the ringing of at a grade crossing. Then, there’s sound of a whistle blowing in the distance. It’s coming closer. Long, long, short, long – indicating the train is approaching a grade crossing.
Rail Blog Night Moves August 31, 2002 Todd DeFeo It’s probably fair to say that I’m a bit of a night owl. And that’s probably a good thing on this trip.
Rail Blog Just Another Whistle Stop August 31, 2002 Todd DeFeo I sit in the lounge car, drinking a beer, watching towns fly by like a blur, as if they don’t exist.
Rail Blog This train is bound for Glory … and Washington, D.C. August 22, 2002 Todd DeFeo For train fans, the only thing better than watching trains is riding them. And that’s what I’m about to do.