Key People in the History of the Memphis, Clarksville & Louisville Railroad
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Key figures in the history of the Memphis, Clarksville & Louisville Railroad.
Antebellum Presidents
G.A. Henry*
May 10, 1851
Joshua Cobb**
May 25, 1853
G.A. Henry
June 3, 1854
W.B. Munford
June 28, 1855
William A. Quarles
June 30, 1858
Robert W. Humphreys
November 1860
* G.A. Henry was elected president of a pro-railroad committee before the railroad was formally chartered in January 1852. In April 1852, a committee working to organize the railroad appointed Henry as its president.
** Joshua Cobb was elected president when the railroad formally organized in May 1853.
Before you copy and paste this information to your website, please keep in mind this research took a lot of effort. Appreciate it. Learn from it. But do not plagiarize it. Yes, if you think we might be talking to you, we are.