Earlier this year, I spoke to the Georgia Archives about my book on the Atlanta Northern Railway. I took an opportunity to focus on some happenings that I researched at the state archives and the difficulty in determining the facts of history.
This podcast is an edited and condensed version of my presentation. Although some information didn’t make the final cut, I plan to use it in future episodes.
- Intro: “Waiting on My Train to Come,” recorded live at the Southeastern Railway Museum on August 2, 2020. Written by Todd DeFeo, (c) 2006, 2020 by Todd DeFeo (ASCAP). From “A Guy Walks Into a Train Museum.”
- Outro: Can’t Turn Back the Clock (Can’t Turn Back Time), recorded January 1998. Written by Todd DeFeo, (c) 1998 by Todd DeFeo (ASCAP). From “Running Home” (1999).
Sound Effects
- Diesel Horn: Recorded at the Southeastern Railway Museum on November 14, 2020.
- Steam Train: 1880s Train, recorded September 12, 2020, in Hill City, South Dakota.
Show Notes
- This is an edited and condensed version of a presentation to the Georgia Archives, recorded on June 10, 2022.
Podcast produced by Joe Nevark.
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