Before you copy and paste this information to your website, please keep in mind this research took a lot of effort. Appreciate it. Learn from it. But do not plagiarize it. Yes, if you think we might be talking to you, we are.
- The results are being filtered by the character: C
Birthday: April 1, 1827 Birthday - E. Jefferson Cain 18270401000000
Deceased: February 10, 1897 Deceased - E. Jefferson Cain 18970210000000
Birthday: August 23, 1844 Birthday - Mirabeau Lamar Collier 18440823000000
Deceased: July 12, 1917 Deceased - Mirabeau Lamar Collier 19170712000000
Birthday: January 16, 1840 Birthday - Franklin Alexander Crawford 18400116000000
Deceased: January 17, 1910 Deceased - Franklin Alexander Crawford 19100117000000
Western & Atlantic Railroad
Before you copy and paste this information to your website, please keep in mind this research took a lot of effort. Appreciate it. Learn from it. But do not plagiarize it. Yes, if you think we might be talking to you, we are.